Monday, February 1, 2010


I just realized that it's now the 1st of February... Where the fuck did January go? 2010 seems to be flying by at lightening speed - which means that it must be shaping up to be a great 2010... 

And weird... I've actually accomplished quite a bit...

-I made some $$$ to pay a few months worth of bills... 
-Plans are pretty good for conventions, thus far...
-I've met a good amount of people already - with a majority of them being pretty cool...
-Looking at my new sketchbook, I realized that I have gotten 100 doodles/sketches already... 
-There have been some pretty AMAZING art shows already...
-Giant Robot has already had a good event: A HUGE SALE!!

But bad habits are easy to fall back into... my sleeping schedule is a bit whack...